In-House Diagnostics

Radiographs (X-Rays)

St. Louis Cat Clinic has digital dental and body radiograph capability. Digital images are very sharp and achieved in seconds. The technology is wonderful.

The images are stored in the computer and it is easy to compare radiographs, even if taken years apart. Digital images can be sent via email to radiology specialists for a reading, other practices, emergency clinics, and other veterinary specialists. The images can be emailed to a client also.


St. Louis Cat Clinic has a small hand held ECG machine that is placed on the chest of a cat and runs a screening 2 Lead ECG. An ECG is an excellent yearly screening test for early indications of heart disease when no murmur or arrhythmia can be heard with a stethoscope. Cats do not like alligator clamps attached to their leg skin for a 3 Lead or more ECG; so the hand held ECG machine is great for feline patients.

Endoscopy & Biopsy:

Some cats need advanced diagnostic procedures to establish a diagnosis. St. Louis Cat Clinic refers patients to the specialists at Associated Veterinary Services (AVS) for these procedures. AVS is where Dr. Freesh takes her pets when she needs help with a diagnosis. AVS takes time with patients and cat owners. The doctors and technicians are thorough and excellent. The specialist fees at AVS are reasonable and Care Credit is available as an option for payment. You will get an estimate before anything is done.

Laboratory Tests:

The clinic performs in house testing for stool, urinalysis, Ringworm fungal cultures, Feline Leukemia/FIV tests, and blood panels. We also do ear and skin mite testing and some cytology.

Midwest Veterinary Laboratory is used for all other blood panels, urine tests, histopathology, endocrinology, and cultures. They are a local laboratory who gives excellent service and STAT blood panels when required.


Ultrasound images are extremely useful and complement plain film radiographs (X-rays) and many times will provide a presumptive diagnosis without exploratory surgery.

veterinarian st louis

Schedule Your Pet’s Appointment Today!

We will do our best to accommodate your busy schedule. Please schedule an appointment today by calling 314-832-2287.

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